
Since 2000

TinyScheme is a small Scheme interpreter I developed out of an even smaller one called Minischeme. At the time, I was working at a company called Ovrimos, which was developing an SQL server. Among other things, I developed a small HTTP server to serve its Web UI, and looked around for a solution to use for server-side scripting. MiniScheme came very close to what I was looking for, so I took it and extended it. I soon quit that company, but interest in the (now very rarely updated) project persisted.

You can visit the TinyScheme site to get an idea.


Since 2007

Dimenso is my attempt to add what I call strong dimensioning to C# and Java. It's a library that provides values carrying physical dimensions and their associated numeric operations. By mapping physical quantities to the type system, the compiler essentially checks that physical calculations are consistent with regards to dimensional analysis.

You can visit the Dimenso site for a more extended exposition of these ideas.



Lamino is a project that implements additional concepts on top of IoC. It uses syntactic transformation to express configuration layering and component encapsulation, expressed in a language that does not support them natively. It is very small, as it is using XSLT, and currently supports Spring, Spring.Net and Windsor Castle (which were the only IoC containers supporting XML configuration, that I could find).

You can visit the Lamino site for more.

AOP ClassLoader Suite

Since 2002

AOP ClassLoader Suite was an exploration of Aspect-Oriented Programming through link-time reflection. Using the ability to write one's own classloaders in Java, one can rewrite a class to weave additional functionality into it.

You can visit the AOP ClassLoader Suite site for more.



Digink was an exploration of "Digital Ink" i.e. handwriting recognition. It used a very simplistic method that basically is only suitable for printed letters, which is the usual written form of Greek letters. Oh, and it run on... DOS!

You can visit the Digink site for more.



INFENGIN was a C++ library that encapsulated an inference engine. It was a natural theme to expand upon, since my post-graduate studies were in A.I.

You can visit the INFENGIN site for more.

