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10. Connectivity

Ovrimos is an open-ended SQL Server, allowing connection and data handling from several different software products. See 3.1.(Ovrimos at a glance). The present chapter refers to ODBC, JDBC and DBI, as well as Stored Procedures.

10.1 ODBC

Ovrimos is ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) compatible. An ODBC driver is provided. Users can install the driver and connect to any Ovrimos database through other ODBC compatible programs.

10.1.1 ODBC driver installation

A zipped file, called contains all the necessary items for the ODBC Ovrimos driver installation.

You may find either in the Ovrimos CD or you may download it from You may also check this URL for updated driver versions.

Warning! Do not use an ovodbc driver with version lower than 1.00.0500 for Ovrimos 2.6 and/or higher or vice versa. Use the old ODBC drivers for Ovrimos versions 2.5 and lower and the new ODBC drivers for Ovrimos versions 2.6 and higher.

To install the Ovrimos ODBC driver, the following simple steps are required:

Use a decompressing tool to extract the contents of You may find it more convenient to use a temporary directory for the decompressed files.

One of the decompressed files is install.exe. Run this file to install the Ovrimos ODBC driver. If the ODBC is not installed in your computer, or your ODBC version is older, it will be installed/updated automatically at this point.

The Ovrimos ODBC driver installation is now complete. Next step will be to Create a New Data Source for each database you wish to access through ODBC compatible products.

Go to the Control Panel

Choose ODBC

When the ODBC Data Source Administrator window appears, choose the User DSN tab and click on the Add... button.

A window with all available ODBC drivers will appear as shown in capture 10.1.

Figure 10.1: Selecting Ovrimos ODBC driver

Choose Ovrimos ODBC Driver and click on the Finish button.

The Ovrimos ODBC Setup configuration dialog box of caption 10.2 will pop on screen. The four blank fields that appear in this box must be filled in with the following information:

Figure 10.2: Setting up a database for use with ODBC

Data Source Name: The name through which the database will be known to ODBC.

Description: A short description text about the data source.

Host Name: The name of the computer, where the database server resides.

Database Name: The name of the Ovrimos database or the port number.

When you type all information, click on the OK button.

The data source name will now appear in the list of ODBC Data Source Administrator.

Repeat the above steps for each database you wish to access through ODBC.

10.2 JDBC

The JDBC driver , called ovjdbc.jar, is copied by the installation program in the shared directory ($HTTPSHAREDDIR). It is a type 4 native protocol all-java technology enabled driver, conformant to the JDBC 1.1 specification.

You may also check for any updates of the driver.

The ovjdbc.jar can be used by an applet as follows:

<applet code=class_name ... archive="ovjdbc.jar">

Some technical information about the Ovrimos JDBC driver is provided below:

The Ovrimos JDBC driver connects to Ovrimos using the native Ovrimos RPC protocol over TCP/IP . No middleware is necessary to connect to an Ovrimos Database using JDBC.

The URL syntax recognized by the Ovrimos JDBC driver is: jdbc:ovrimos://<host>:<dbase>;user=<username>;password=<hispassword>

dbase is either the $SQLPORT or the database name. It may be obtained from the Database Manager.

Any of the properties user or password or both, may be missing from the URL, and supplied to DriverManager.getConnection. If both are missing, the semicolon after <dbase> must be omitted too.

The function getBestRowIdentifier is, at present, unimplemented and returns null.

The function Statement.cancel does nothing.

The ResultSets returned belong to the class OvrimosResultSet. If downcast, the user has access to extended functionality:

Method isNull (int columnIndex) permits to inquire about the null state of a column without get()ing it first.

Class OvrimosPreparedStatement offers methods to inquire about the parameters of the statement:

getParameterCount() returns the number of parameters.
getParameterType(int parameterIndex) returns the type of a parameter.
getParameterTypeName(int parameterIndex) returns the name of the type of a parameter.
getParameterPrecision(int parameterIndex) returns the precision of a parameter.
getParameterScale(int parameterIndex) returns the scale of a parameter.

10.2.1 A JDBC example

The following is a simple Java application, connecting to the Ovrimos database with port number 3000. The program selects data from table Books and prints them.

Java example: Database connection and data selection


import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Properties;
import ovjdbc.*;

class j_sample {
 public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException {
   OvrimosDriver dr=new OvrimosDriver();
   Connection c=null;
   try {
       new Properties());

     if(c==null) {

     PreparedStatement pst=
        c.prepareStatement("select isbn,title,price from books");
     ResultSet rs=pst.getResultSet();

     ResultSetMetaData md=rs.getMetaData();

     while( {
                +"\", title=\""+rs.getString(2)+"\", price="

   catch(SQLException e) {
   finally {
       if(c!=null) {

 static void printDiags(SQLException e) {
  while(e!=null) {
    System.out.println(e.getSQLState()+" "+e.getMessage());

10.3 DBI

Perl Perl already defines an interface for database connectivity. To work with Perl you need to have DBI installed. Ovrimos S.A. provides you with a DBD driver, DBD-Ovrimos-0.13.tar.gz, which you will have to install.

You may find the DBD-Ovrimos-0.13.tar.gz in the shared directory ($HTTPSHAREDDIR).

You may also check, for any updated version of the DBI driver.

The following steps are required to install the driver:

perl Makefile.PL
make install
In U*ix only users with root privileges may install.

A readme file in the form of Perldoc page is provided with the driver, offering a brief description of the driver.

10.3.1 A Perl example

In the simple Perl example below, the user program connects to the database and retrieves information from table Books.

Perl example: Database connection and data selection

use DBI;

    or die("connect");
$sth=$dbh->prepare('select isbn,title,price from books')  
	or die($dbh->errstr);
	or die($sth->errstr);

my ($isbn,$title,$price);
while($sth->fetch) {
     print "isbn=\"$isbn\", title=\"$title\", 

$sth->finish() or die($sth->errstr);
$dbh->disconnect() or die($dbh->errstr);

Programmers will have to include the use DBI statement. The database handle (dbh) is returned after a successful connection. Necessary connection parameters are the database host localhost, the $SQLPORT, 3000 and the username (in the above example, username is admin with password pegasus).

The statement handle (sth) is returned after a successful preparation of the select command. The columns are binded and as long as data may be retrieved from the table, the results are printed.

10.4 Ovrimos PHP DRIVER

This section contains instructions for the Ovrimos PHP interface.

The contents of the PHP driver's directory are:
Filename Description
readme Instructions for the Ovrimos PHP interface
php_ovrimos.c The C source for the driver
*.php Samples to test the API
php_ovrimos.mak Sample customizable makefile to create the driver

The driver is a single shared object,, that is loaded in PHP using the dl command, like this:


To create the driver one must have already built the Ovrimos C library, SQLCLI. Directions on doing that can be found in every Ovrimos distribution in the subdirectory named libsrc. The instructions therein guide in building a static library, libsqlcli.a which is statically linked with in the provided makefile, but one could very well choose to build SQLCLI as a shared object, and modify php_ovrimos.mak accordingly.

Customization of php_ovrimos.mak is needed to tailor it to the specific machine and platform.

The C file, php_ovrimos.c, includes the SQLCLI header. Consequently, one must compile it with the same flags used to compile SQLCLI. Details are found in the SQLCLI makefile. As it stands, php_ovrimos.mak specifies the flags needed for Linux (x86).

The SQLCLI directory must be specified so that the system can find sqlcli.h and libsqlcli.a.

The PHP source directory must be specified so that the system can find various PHP headers.

The linker's flags needed to create a shared object must be specified. Default in php_ovrimos.mak is -shared, appropriate for GNU link.

The API is modelled after that for ODBC. It should be immediately comprehensible to anyone having experience with the ODBC interface. One difference from ODBC is that autocommit cannot be specified at all (whereas in ODBC, it is the default).

10.4.1 API functions

10.5 Stored Procedures

The AGI (Another Gateway Interface)    is one more tool to allow as many user categories as possible to interface to Ovrimos. Stored procedures, written in one of the languages supported by Ovrimos may be called at any point during the transaction.

Stored procedures are either executable programs or scripts, stored in the AGI directory of each database. They may be invoked from the SQL Terminal or the SQL Query Tool command line, as well as through calls from other API  programs, e.g. C programs.

At the physical level, the difference between the API and AGI is that while API communicates with the database through sockets, AGI stored procedures communicate through pipes. As soon as a call to a stored procedure is made, the SQL Server activates an AGI process, which uses two pipes to communicate with the database. The AGI program uses stdin/stdout.

Picture 10.3 shows physical interconnection between Ovrimos and AGI programs, while picture 10.4 shows logical interconnection.

Figure 10.3: Physical Interconnection

When a client program asks for an AGI program (stored procedure), then communication between the client and Ovrimos is momentarily suspended. The AGI program is executed and communicates with the database as a surrogate of the client.

Figure 10.4: Logical Interconnection

Stored procedures are invoked via the Call command. The Call executes the stored procedure and continues.

CALL newcreate xx AS SELECT ...

The application program assumes that the first name after a call, i.e. newcreate in this example, is an executable file. Executable files require no extension to run as stored procedures, and in fact they must not have one.

In case of script files (which are not directly executable in systems such as Win32), the script must be called by another script named <name>.cmd, e.g. in the case of newcreate above it must be a script file called newcreate.cmd. The script file must contain the full path name of an executable file plus any parameters (if needed to run this file). All these are put together by AGI, which finds the file and executes the code as before.

Example: A script file called script1.cmd, which eventually leads to the execution of a Perl script through the Perl interpreter, will be called:

call script1 'abc' 123

Here script1 is a script file, with full name script1.cmd.
script1.cmd contains the full path name of the Perl interpreter and the required parameters, e.g.

c:\perl5\bin\perl.exe -Ic:\alpha c:\scripts\

The contents of script1 are embedded in the call command, thus call is executed as if the command had been:

call c:\perl5\bin\perl.exe 
		-Ic:\alpha c:\scripts\ 'abc' 123

For an example of C stored procedures, see E.2.1(C, C++ Stored Procedures)

10.5.1 Perl Stored Procedures

The following is a small example of a stored procedure, which makes a selection from table Books.

The stored procedure will be as follows:

use DBD::Ovrimos; 
$dbh->do('select * from books'); 

For Windows NT a .cmd file is also required. The command to make the stored procedure will be of the following form:

d:\per15\bin\perl.exe c:\dbm\server\agi\

10.5.2 Java Stored Procedures

Note! The Java example seems not to be able to synchronize I/O. This may be due to our using it for binary data. It is included here with reservations, because it may work correctly with different versions/implementations of the JRE.

Java Stored Procedure

import java.sql.*;
import ovjdbc.*;

public class javatest {

  public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) throws 
    SQLException {
     Connection co=OvrimosDriver.connectAGI(true);
     PreparedStatement st=
	     co.prepareStatement("select * from books");

In all cases, the programmer should notice the special procedure connectAGI() which is used for connection. No connection arguments are used.

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