Next: 9. SQL Query Tool
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8. The HTTP server
This chapter explains how you can perform certain tasks on the HTTP server of a database and
associates these tasks with the server's features.
The HTTP server, or in other words, the Web server , which is active per
database, should be differentiated from Database Manager's Web server. The latter is only used for
providing a user interface for the dbman.
8.2 Ovrimos URL-space
The Web is based on client/server communication. One of the protocols used in communication is
HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) which specifies what type of communication and information is
sent between them.
In HTTP, resources (network
and data objects and services) are denoted by URLs
and form a URL-space, in a similar way as Files are denoted by pathnames
and reside in a file system. The Ovrimos URL-space can be partinioned along
three independent axes: static/dynamic, internal/external, and database-specific/shared.
internal |
external |
internal |
external |
dbase-specific |
shared |
8.3 Static Web Content
Static resources are data files sent directly to the client.
Static resources are always external.
At your browser's request
the Web server can serve up, for example, an HTML file or an image file from the directories
where the Web resources are stored. Web resources shared by all databases are located in the
$HTTPSHAREDDIR while the resources used only by a specific database are placed in
the $HTTPROOTDIR. For example, we assume that you have prepared a Web page
with sales information about the available products of your company. When the users of the database
products request this page, the Web server first looks for it in the $HTTPROOTDIR
and then in the $HTTPSHAREDDIR.
8.4 Dynamic Internal Resources
Dynamic internal resources, such as the system's tables accessed by Roadmap, do not
correspond to anything outside the server. Each dynamic internal resource is mapped to a URL,
so when this URL is requested, the associated Ovrimos code is executed. For example SQL Terminal which is
mapped to /sqlterminal, can be accessed as shown in the example.
Start a database and request the following URL:
http://<servername>:<HTTP port number>/sqlterminal
Similarly the special URLs relating to Roadmap and Administrator Console are /roadmap
and /console correspondingly.
8.5 Dynamic External Resources
Dynamic external resources are a powerful tool in the hands of users. They permit external
Web content to be incorporated in the URL-space of an Ovrimos database.
External Web content can either be the output of a program executing in a CGI 1.2 environment,
of a Scheme script or of an SQL script, as explained in the following sections.
Last but not least, it should be noted that the dynamic external resources shared by all databases
are located in the $HTTPSHAREDDIR, while those used only by a specific database are in the
8.5.1 SQL Scripts
The client program (a Web browser) can request an SQL script and the HTTP server can supply its
output, after the script has been executed by SQL Query Tool. This feature is explained in detail in
section 9.6.
8.5.2 Scheme Scripts
A Scheme interpreter , embedded in Ovrimos, allows the
execution of Scheme scripts which may be used to produce an HTTP response. Before executing
user scripts, the interpreter is initialized
from the file $SCHEMEINIT. User defined macros and functions can be added in the
file $SCHEMEINIT and are visible by all Scheme scripts.
Necessary elements for any script expected to handle a special URL are some environment variables:
It is a list of symbols, which contains the names of the form fields.
The form field contents are the value of the variable denoted by each symbol.
It is a string showing what the HTTP request was.
A string containing one of ``GET'', ``POST'', ``HEAD'', etc. Stateless Scheme Scripts
A stateless Scheme script is invoked by the HTTP server, when the URL corresponding to it
is requested. Stateless Scheme scripts have no special entry point; they are executed from top
to bottom. After they have executed, their state is not maintained. Although they are simpler to
construct, they are not as powerful and sophisticated as Persistent Scheme scripts. Persistent Scheme Scripts
The way to specify that a Scheme script is to be treated as a persistent
one is to map it to a URL in the $SCHEMEHANDLERS. For example, this file for Bookstore
(a demo Scheme script) contains the line:
/demo/bookstore books.scm.
Users can add their own URL handlers in the $SCHEMEHANDLERS.
Persistent scripts have the following additional features when compared to stateless scripts:
- When visited, they initiate an HTTP session with the visitor's browser to facilitate stateful
interaction (see also section 8.5.3 below) and their state is maintained by the session.
- They can interact with the database through an SQL API (see section 8.6).
Unlike their stateless counterparts, persistent Scheme scripts have a special entry point, the
procedure main.
8.5.3 HTTP Server and Persistent Sessions
Since an HTTP session is stateless, it was necessary to implement a mechanism that
would allow persistent sessions.
The Ovrimos mechanism for persistent sessions does not depend on user-side cookies,
since these make security-sensitive users nervous. Thus, a novel mechanism was implemented,
which is based on the back-forth propagation of a unique identifier for each session.
As an example, we present a special URL /alpha, that makes reference at
some later time to another URL, /beta.
GET /alpha |
Redirect to /session/xxxxxxxxalpha (A session number is returned to the client program) |
GET /sessionxxxxxxxx/alpha |
HTTP Server responds for /alpha |
GET /beta (A link to /beta is requested, from referrer /sessionxxxxxxxx/alpha) |
Redirect to /sessionxxxxxxxx/beta |
Get /sessionxxxxxxxx/beta |
HTTP Server responds for /beta |
For the sake of resource management, sessions that remain idle for more than
$HTTPSESSIONTIMEOUT minutes, are reclaimed.
8.5.4 CGI 1.2
The simplest case of a gateway program is an executable file. When a file with execute permission
is served to the client, instead of sending the file contents, the file is executed in a CGI
environment. In Unix, even scripts can be run this way. Scripts in certain interpreted languages,
such as Perl, can be run directly using the #! mechanism. Other scripts can be run via a shell
To allow easy use of interpreted scripts that cannot be run directly, without incurring the cost of
introducing an extra shell script, Ovrimos provides a custom mechanism. A parameter, called
EXECEXT, defines ``executable extensions" .
In Windows NT, file
associations usually associate a script extension with a File Type, and File Types define what
is called an ``open command string" that can be used to run the script using the corresponding
interpreter and appropriate flags.
When a file with an extension included in $EXECEXT is requested, the open command string for that
file (after expansion of environment variables) is executed in a CGI environment.
In Unix (or NT if no association is found), when a file with an extension included in $EXECEXT
is requested, its MIME type is used for a similar mechanism: the bin subdirectory is
searched for the executable <mime_type>-handler, which is called in a CGI environment
having a single argument (the filename). In the executable's name, an underscore ``_" is substituted
for the forward slash of the MIME type.
An example use of that would be to allow gzipped tar files to be used as "virtual directories"
with an application_gzip-handler that extracts the actual file, or even runs it if it is executable.
Additionally, handlers could be used to translate, on-the-fly, some format into some other.
Persistent HTTP sessions are not the exclusive privilege of internal Scheme scripts but its support
has been extended to more traditional content generators, i.e. plain CGI programs or scripts.
Analogous to Set-Cookie and Cookie, the header X-Session-Data
transfers 'realm data' to and from the CGI program. This header will never be propagated to the
HTTP client and serves only as a method to implement state. Refer to the Additional Ovrimos
environment variables, in section 8.5.6.
8.5.6 CGI 1.2 environment
- Current directory: the current directory is set to the directory containing the program.
- Gateway program input: the entity contained in the HTTP request is sent to the gateway
program's input. Additionally, if the query is an ISINDEX query, the query string is appended to
the program's command line arguments.
- Environment variables: when the server executes a
gateway program, it sets up an environment consisting of the following environment variables.
WARNING: Some of these environment variables divulge confidential information,
such as the user password, to the gateway program. Do not use untrusted programs as
gateway programs.
CGI environment variables set for all requests
- SERVER_SOFTWARE : the name and version of the server.
Format: Ovrimos/X.X
- SERVER_NAME : the server's hostname
- GATEWAY_INTERFACE : the revision of the CGI specification used.
Format: CGI/X.X
CGI environment variables specific for the request
- SERVER_PROTOCOL : the name and revision of the information protocol (here, HTTP).
Format: HTTP/X.X or HTTPS/X.X
- SERVER_PORT : the server's HTTPPORT
- REQUEST_METHOD : the HTTP method with which the request was made (GET, POST etc)
- PATH_INFO : the extra path information following the script name in
that invoked the script. To be used in self-referencing
- QUERY_STRING : the information which follows the ? in the
- REMOTE_ADDR : the IP address of the remote host making the request
- AUTH_TYPE : the authentication scheme used. Currently, only ``basic" is supported
- REMOTE_USER : the username authenticated to use the resource
- CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_LENGTH : information on the entity sent with the
Additional Ovrimos environment variables
- DB_NAME, DB_PORT : the database name and SQLPORT, respectively
- SESSION_ID : the HTTP session ID
- REMOTE_PASSWORD : modeled after REMOTE_USER. The password used to
authenticate the user.
- other HTTP_* headers : up to a limit of 10k environment space. HTTP_ACCEPT,
HTTP_COOKIE, HTTP_USER_AGENT and HTTP_REFERER (sic) are always provided.
- PATH : inherited from the server
- SYSTEMROOT and SYSTEMDRIVE (Windows) : essential for running Windows
Environment variables missing from CGI/1.2
- REMOTE_IDENT : RFC931 identification.
- REMOTE_HOST : we provide only REMOTE_ADDR (compatible behavior to CGI/1.2)
As per the CGI/1.1 spec, when the program name begins with nph-, its output is sent
directly to the client. The gateway program is responsible for returning a valid HTTP response.
Note that in the CGI/1.2 spec, discrimination is left unspecified so the CGI/1.1 rule was followed.
Otherwise, the server parses the output. Output of gateway programs must begin with a small header
of text lines, in the same format as HTTP headers, delimited with LF or CR/LF, ending with an
empty line. The following headers are server directives and are interpreted appropriately by the
server, while the rest are incorporated in the response sent to the client.
- Status : this should contain a valid HTTP/1.0 status line (e.g. 200 OK).
- Content-type : should contain the MIME type of the entity returned. To facilitate
use with archiving programs, that cannot translate the extension of a file to a MIME type,
Ovrimos accepts a file extension in this header, which it translates to a MIME type before
sending the response to the client. This is Ovrimos-specific behavior and should not be assumed
to exist in other HTTP servers.
- Location : this instructs the server to redirect to another URI. If the argument is
a URL or a virtual path with a ``#" a usual HTTP redirection is returned to the client. If the
argument is a virtual path, the server does an internal redirection to serve the new request.
- Script-Control : this directive is currently not honored by the server.
8.6 Appendix: Scheme
SQL mapping
SQL Type |
Scheme Type |
bigint/unsigned bigint |
string |
integer |
integer |
unsigned integer |
integer or real |
smallint/unsigned smallint |
integer |
tinyint/unsigned tinyint |
integer |
bit |
symbols on and off |
smallint/unsigned smallint |
integer |
decimal/numeric |
real |
float/double/real |
real |
character/varchar |
string |
unicode character/ varchar |
symbol unicode |
binary/varbinary |
symbol binary |
date `1999-12-25' |
list of the form `(date 1999 12 25)' |
time `12:45:12.42' |
list of the form `(time 12 45 12 42)' |
timestamp `1999-12-25 12:45:12.42' |
list of the form `((date 1999 12 25) (time 12 45 12 42))' |
long varchar/ long varbinary |
symbol blob |
Procedures |
All procedures that return results other than boolean, return #f to indicate failure |
(sql-login string-user string-password) |
Attempts to authenticate as specified user. Returns boolean. |
(sql-logout) |
Abandons the SQL connection and frees the resources. Returns boolean. |
(sql-start-session) |
Allocates a Statement stream and returns an integer handle for it, or #f. |
(sql-end-session integer-handle) |
Deallocates the Statement stream. |
(sql-exec-direct integer-handle string-sqlstatement) |
Compiles and executes the SQL statement specified. This must not contain any parameters.
Returns boolean. |
(sql-result-columns integer-handle) |
For SELECT statements, returns a list with the result names of the columns. Names missing
are represented by '(). |
(sql-row-count integer-handle) |
For update statements, returns the number of rows affected. |
(sql-cursor integer-handle symbol-direction) |
Depending on the parameter direction, fetches a row from the result set. For simplicity,
there is no provision to specify an offset other than 1, or to fetch rowsets of more than 1 row.
The parameter direction can be one of the symbols: |
this: Fetch the current row |
next: Fetch the next row |
prev: Fetch the previous row |
first: Fetch the first row |
last: Fetch the last row |
The row is returned as a list of values. Returns #f when not available. |
(sql-commit) |
Commits the transaction. This is necessary to make the updates permanent. Returns boolean. |
(sql-rollback) |
Rolls back the transaction. Returns boolean. |
8.7 HTTP Log
The activity of the HTTP server is logged in the file $HTTPLOG .
Its format is the Common Logfile
Format which is understood by many log analyzers.
Each line in the HTTP Log consists of the following data:
<Hostname> or <IP address of client> - <User name>
<Date/Time of request> ``<Request> <Protocol>''
<HTTP response number> <Byte count of returned entity>
The following is a sample of an HTTP Log File: - admin [Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:07:33 GMT] "GET /console HTTP/1.0" 302 - - admin [Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:07:33 GMT] "GET /console HTTP/1.0" 200 1534 - admin [Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:08:33 GMT] "GET /shutdown HTTP/1.0" 401 - - dbman [Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:08:41 GMT] "GET /shutdown HTTP/1.0" 200 383 - dbman [Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:08:43 GMT] "GET /shutdown/now HTTP/1.0" 200 318 - - [Tue, 18 Jan 2000 16:17:19 GMT] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 302 - - - [Tue, 18 Jan 2000 16:17:19 GMT] "GET /index.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 2230 - - [Tue, 18 Jan 2000 16:17:19 GMT] "GET /welcome.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 7359 - - [Tue, 18 Jan 2000 16:17:20 GMT] "GET /manual.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2188
The first line of the sample log is explained below:
HTTP Log File |
Example |
<Hostname> or <IP address of client> |
DNS is disabled, thus the client's IP address
appears |
<RFC 931 information> |
(RFC 931 information - not implemented) |
<User name> |
admin (user name entered by the client for authentication) |
<Date/Time of request> |
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 16:07:33 GMT |
<Request> |
GET /console |
<Protocol> |
HTTP/1.0 |
<HTTP response number> |
302 (Redirection) |
<Byte count of returned entity> |
- means no entity was returned |
8.8 Demo bookstore: An example of a Scheme script
The example presented here is written in a Scheme script, called books.scm. It is
placed in the directory of testbase during installation and serves the
URL /demo/bookstore.
It is a simple bookstore application, with a demand-driven main loop.
A number of books are stored in table books of testbase . You can search for
a specific book by its title or author name as a keyword. Available information about the bookstore's
books consists of ISBN, Title, Author, Price and Cover.
You can add displayed
books to the Shopping basket and remove books from it.
It is also possible to display the contents of the Shopping basket.
To try out the Demo bookstore:
- Start testbase and connect to it, if you haven't already done so.
- After having connected to testbase, follow the link to on-line documentation
- Click here
to populate the Demo bookstore. An SQL script called
books.sql is run to fill in the Demo bookstore with sample data. Authentication may be
required (User Name is admin and Password is
pegasus .
- The URL for running this application is /demo/bookstore.
Users are advised to run in a separate browser window (if possible).
Figure 8.1 is the introductory screen of the On-line bookstore.
Figure 8.1:
On-line bookstore: Introductory screen
![\includegraphics[width=12cm]{bookstore1}](img39.gif) |
Part of the book Keyword (the book's title) or part of the
Author name may be used to request a search into the database.
Books matching the search criteria appear
in a list, similar to the one of figure 8.2 (where the search criterion
is 'e' in the Author field).
Figure 8.2:
On-line bookstore: List of books
![\includegraphics[width=12cm]{bookstore2}](img40.gif) |
The user may add a book to the basket by checking on the Select box.
Figure 8.3 shows the results of selecting two books and adding them to the
Shopping basket.
Figure 8.3:
On-line bookstore: Contents of shopping basket
![\includegraphics[width=12cm]{bookstore3}](img41.gif) |
Finally, figure 8.4 shows the order you are about to place. The selected
books are displayed as well as the Grand Total.
Figure 8.4:
On-line bookstore: Order screen
![\includegraphics[width=12cm]{bookstore4}](img42.gif) |
Note: In figure 8.4, the order is not really placed (i.e. it is not further
processed). This part of the script is left as an exercise to the user who would wish
to add code to an existing and running example.
Next: 9. SQL Query Tool
Up: Ovrimos version 3.0 On-line
Previous: 7. Administrator's Console