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7. Administrator's Console

7.1 Overview

Every time a database is started on a server, admin should be able to view certain information about the connections to the specific database in order to perform the tasks that the administration of a database server entails. Administrator Console lets admins view the following types of information (specific to a database) by clicking the relevant link at the top of the page.

7.2 Operation

Administrator Console has an HTML-based interface,  so you can access it through any Web browser. Points from where to reach Administrator Console are:

(see section 4.7). In case you are working with SQL Terminal or Roadmap, navigational links at the top of these pages get you to Administrator Console.

Note: For better results it is recommended that you use the Ovrimos navigation options (back, forth, etc.) instead of your browser's.

To operate Administrator Console, authentication as user admin is required. For first time users, the required password is pegasus  .
Refer to section 8.4 about Dynamic Internal Resources for more technical information.

7.2.1 Error Log

To view the Error Log, click the relevant link at the top of Administrator Console's page. The Error Log displays informational, warning and error messages about the database. User dbman can also view this log by clicking the View Log button on Database Manager's home page (refer to Chapter 4 about Database Manager).

Reference: HTTP Log is explained in section 8.7

7.2.2 Connections

Figure 7.1 shows the type of information displayed for each connection. The columns of the Connections table are explained here:

Figure 7.1: Connections screen with Connection 0 expanded

7.2.3 HTTP Sessions

Currently, HTTP servers respond to each client request without relating that request to previous or subsequent requests. Ovrimos gets over this limitation by implementing a mechanism for tracking the state of your interactions with the server. This mechanism allows the HTTP server of each database to maintain state information by placing HTTP requests and responses within a larger context, which we term an HTTP session. For example, the demo bookstore uses HTTP sessions to keep track of information about the user's selections while they are aggregated before purchase. See 8.5.3.(HTTP Server and Persistent Sessions). Initiating an HTTP session doesn't imply a connection to the SQL server.

Figure 7.2 shows the type of information displayed for each HTTP session and the columns of this table are explained here:

Reference: See chapter 8 about the HTTP server

Figure 7.2: HTTP Sessions

7.2.4 Fibers

Figure 7.3: Ovrimos Fibers

Figure 7.3 shows the type of information displayed for each fiber.

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