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6. Roadmap

6.1 Overview

Roadmap is a tree-structured catalog of the database objects, such as tables, views and users.

Roadmap has an HTML-based interface,  so you can access it through any Web browser Points from where to reach Roadmap are:

Refer to section 8.4 about Dynamic internal resources for more technical information.

Note: For better results it is recommended that you use the Ovrimos navigation options (back, forth, etc.) instead of your browser's.

Initially, Roadmap tree structure displays the Users, Tables and Views branches. From this root level you are able to click the + symbol of the branch you are interested in and expand the navigational tree, drilling down to ``any depth'' through nested sub-branches to the information you need. Expanded branches can be collapsed by clicking the - symbol.

 User authentication is required to access Roadmap. User Name  and Password  for first time users are admin and pegasus   respectively. User admin can view information about all the database objects, while all other authorized database users (who haven't logged in as admin) can only inspect Tables and Views. User admin can change his/her password using the UPDATE USER statement (refer to the relevant SQL statement B.4.2 in Ovrimos SQL Appendix) either on SQL Terminal (see section 5.2.1) or on SQL Query Tool (see section 9.3).

Through Roadmap, it is also possible to login as another user, as explained in section 6.3.

6.2 Viewing information on the Roadmap

When all branches of Roadmap have been expanded, searching specific information about a database object can be a tedious job. To enable database users retrieving information efficiently, links to Users, Tables and Views have been added at the top of the page. By clicking these links, users jump immediately to the specific point in the expanded structure of Roadmap.

Views: the names of the existing views are displayed.

Users: authentication as admin is required to view information about the database users. Figure 6.1 shows the expanded structure after clicking the + symbol and the following table describes the data displayed.

Figure 6.1: Roadmap's expanded Users branch

Column name Column Description
ID Ordinal number of database user.
Proto ID Used for creating prototypes of database users. For example, user PANDORA has the same Proto ID as admin, because PANDORA has been granted admin's privileges.
Name Database user's name required for authentication.
Full name Database user's full name, required to provide admin with clear and comprehensive information.
Remarks admin can insert remarks for each database user (refer to the CREATE USER statement B.4.2 in Ovrimos SQL Appendix)
Mailbox Link to the mailbox of a database user, so that admin can send an email message to the specific user (refer also to statement B.4.2 as above).

Tables: the displayed tables are the system's tables (which include the system catalog tables and other internal data) and the base tables (the tables created by the user). Figure 6.2 shows the expanded sys.tables and Table 6.1 explains the data contained in them.


Figure 6.2: Roadmap's expanded sys.tables branch

: sys.tables branch expanded
Id Table's Id is a small integer, e.g. 1.
Owner Id of the user who created this table. It is a small integer and in case of a system table, it corresponds to admin's Id.
Type Type of the table, e.g. system table, table (permanent base table) or temporary (temporary base table).
Check Constraint definitions.
Name Name of the index.
Unique Shows whether the index is unique or not.
Definition Names of column corresponding to each index.
Foreign keys  
Columns Name of column. For example, the column owner is a foreign key.
Reference Columns of other tables that the foreign key references. For example, the foreign key owner references the primary key user_id of table sys.users.
Imported Foreign keys Shows which table columns reference the primary key of the table which has been expanded. For example, the column table_id of table sys.columns references the primary key table_id of sys.tables.

6.3 Logging in as another user

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